Ramblings, just ramblings
Published on July 11, 2005 By Amitty In Handhelds
as many gaming maniacs probably already know, your PSP can become a expensive tool for oldschool gaming. Most have probably already read or have tried to use Homebrew emulator programs for the Sony PSP. Basically for the newly informed, it is a hack exploit that allows you to boot emulators off the memory stick of your PSP to play emulated NES, SNES, Genesis, and even GBC games from your PSP.
Sounds awesome right?
Damn straight it is awesome. After spending a few hours downloading roms from various places, I was able to sit back on the bus and play Chrono Trigger in mobile bliss.

Now, Sony and Nintendo are calling foul on the people that are exploiting the PSP for such deeds. Looking at the capability of the PSP and the work that went into making these emulators work, I would have to say that it looked like Sony got sloppy by making it possible through the PSP architecture to make this happen.

And to be honest, I like it. When I first bought the PSP, I was excited about the capabilities that it had. Now, with a limited selection of games and not much on hte horizon, mixed with the PSP seemingly now targeting the PSP for the UMD market, I was bitterly regretting my purchase. After all, a handheld system needs games. The UMD movies are a great deal more expensive than the regular dvds, and it seems silly to have to pay such a mark-up. THe best thing about the flash memory of the PSP is that you can put your own movies on there. The invention of the flash memory was a great thing, and in the PSP it is even better.

I can't really blame people for exploting the hardware, especially when it is is apparently so easy. MY issue is that the machine itself is a pretty paperweight without software to support it. Say I have a lot of DVD movies...why re-buy them for the PSP at a price more expensive than the DVD I purchased months ago? The games, while some of them are great...there isn't a lot of them. When the DS came out, there was the same complaint. No games. But, the DS is stepping up. Where are the mega hits for the PSP? I have yet to see a lot on the horizon. So, if I can play my favorite NES game - Faxanadu - on my lunch break, I am sure as hell gonna do it.

Eventually, the blame has to be placed, right? THat is what we do. Sony will yell and scream that it is hackers, and the hackers will say that it is Sony's fault for making it easy. If I have a library of 2000 + games at my disposal, I am less likely to buy a new game, especially when Sony has put into plan a way to prevent it from happening again. The Homebrew exploit works with version 5.1 of the Sony software, and to fight it, Sony will be installing a firmware upgrade on newer games to make the exploit not work. For the people that are enjoying their PSP, that might mean newer games will be purchased.

Why is Nintendo crying foul on this too? Simply because they have a successful lineup of old school games series for the SP/DS. They are taking all their licenced hits and releasing them for the portable, and have been for a year. If a superior system comes out and you can play their games for free, again, sales fade.

For me, the exploit has made my 299+ dollar purchase totally worth it. Only the future will tell if both legit and illegal software can continue to live in piece on this remarkable handheld.

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