Ramblings, just ramblings
The trials and tribulations of a major comic book storyline
Published on July 21, 2004 By Amitty In Movies & TV & Books
I read this little fact on the internet, and I was apalled. Actually, that is skipping ahead. I read in a friend's Livejournal that Halle Barrie
has decided that she will not sign on for X-3.

So, Storm will be written out. Apparently the reason, as reported, was that the movie will finish up the Wolverine story Arc and Storm doesn't have a bunch of lines. Not that she had many in X-2. Halle, who won a academy award for Monster's Ball, was quoted as saying " I am a actress ,and I don't do bit parts."
Ummm, so you got paid a bunch of money to flash your tits in a movie. And, a award for being the better of a cast of horrible actors. You know, walking away from it now would be silly. Storm was NEVER a major character in the story lines. As a fan of the X-Men back in the dark days of comics, Storm was really a extra character.

" Maybe I'll be back. I just don't think that there are enough lines for my character." If you followed the comics, you all know that in the Phoenix Saga, Storm is strictly second page. The question is, to perserve the movie as it is, will Brian Singer re-write more lines for Storm? I hope not. that kind of attitude is silly. And I'm sure it has ended more than one career in Hollywood. BUT...Halle is lucky..there are few well-reconized black actresses in Hollywood. So, we'll have to see.

I for one will still be in line, Storm or no Storm

on Jul 21, 2004
Well, there were some Storm-centric storylines, but they were pretty much to the exclusion of the rest of the X-Men: the Morlocks and Dracula spring to mind.
Additionally, I've heard rumors that Singer is no longer attached to X-Men 3, and will instead be doing the next Superman movie. Could be baseless. Maybe not.
on Jul 21, 2004
No, Singer is signed for x-3
on Jul 21, 2004
I read in a friend's Livejournal that Halle Barrie
has decided that she will not sign on for X-3.

She's been bitching since X-1 that she didn't like playing Storm for various reasons, the biggest being she didn't get enough to do.

Reply #1 By: pseudosoldier - 7/21/2004 6:06:43 PM
Well, there were some Storm-centric storylines, but they were pretty much to the exclusion of the rest of the X-Men: the Morlocks and Dracula spring to mind.

There was a lot of emphasis on her when she lost her powers, and also a good bit while she was the field leader. But it's hard for any X-Man to shine when Wolverine is on the scene. None of the others have had so many solo mags, nor as interesting a story.
on Jul 21, 2004
Thank you CS guy, I totally forgot about that story line.

Yes, since X-1, but at the same time, she wasn't saying no to a 8, then 12 million dollar paycheck, was she? Basically, it seemed to me that she was bucking for more lines, or she'll walk routine. She is considered for a lot of roles now, and she has a little clout, but what a way to lose it. Personally, I don't think she is a particularily good actress either....but, that is my opinion
on Jul 21, 2004
Well, again, AFAIK this is just rumor, but:

I had heard initially that he was going to do Logan's Run and *then* Superman, but it looks like he might be off of LR now. Maybe they want to rush Superman out to take advantage of the market (which they could spoil with Catwoman and Green Lantern)?
It backs up what the guys at the comic shop told me (it's comic book day, y'know).
on Jul 21, 2004
which they could spoil with Catwoman and Green Lantern

Catwoman looks pretty lame to me. I hadn't heard anything about Green Lantern.

Sorry to see Singer leave the X-franchise. I think he's done a stellar job.
on Jul 22, 2004
I managed to catch a sneak preview of Catwoman, and I got to tell you, it is one tanked Movie Franchise. *Think Daredevil*
If Singer has decided to jettison, X-3 might be like Harry Potter and the Prisoners of Azhkaban...not bad, but noticably different. Singer, who has very little comic book knowledge himself, did a f*@king good job of both. As far as I know, since the Micheal Bay fiasco with Superman, no one is tapped to direct, but we will have to research.