How to sell the little you Created
I was walking past a cd shop on the way home yesterday when I saw a familiar sight: The Nine Inch Nails logo on a cd cover. As I have always been a huge fan of Nine Inch Nails, I was interested and immediately wandered in to take a look. I picked it up, and on the spine of the CD is said Halo 18.
For those of you who don't know, Trent Reznor, the mind behind the Industrial/Alternative band called Nine Inch Nails hooked fans a long time ago by coming up with a album scheme to sell his music.
To date, Nine Inch Nails has put out 4 actual albums, one with is technically a EP. The four are Pretty Hate Machine *Halo
, Broken *Halo
, The Downward Spiral *Halo 8*, and The Fragile *Halo 14* Now, you might notice some gaps in the numbers there.
Halo 1, is a single from PHM called Head Like a Hole.
Long before the Remix had become uber popular, NIN started releasing singles to the albums, and labling them Halo albums. For music fans and collectors, it became a instant sensation. The singles themselves became remix singles, containing up to 6 different remixes per album, with also gave people a chance to check out some of the options available. Around the time that The Downward Spiral came out, the remix packages became more complicated. They hence became two disc deals, with each different disc sold separately. Since you could have the Single to Closer ( Or, as the internet denizens call it " Fuck you like a animal"), you needed the other single in the package, " Closer to God'. Never mind the song, you needed the separately sold disc to have the complete Halo.
Then, Halo 10, which is one long remix album for the Downward Spiral, no new stuff, called Further Down the Spiral. I think you might be getting the picture.
Not long after, Trent Reznor did a soundtrack for a David Lynch movie called Lost Highway. The super single from it, which put NIN back in to the mainstram like Closer did, was called The Perfect Drug. The single...Halo 11. BUT, it did not contain the actual song, only techno, trance, and house version of the chorus. To get the song, you had to buy the OST to Lost Highway.
This was before it was simple to get it all off the net.
So, three years later, the Fragile was released. Big, double album that contained half songs, half musical interludes, that is how I see them. Them, the singels from them.
I have the whole set, or thought I did. They are sometimes really hard to get, and when I saw that they had jumped to Halo 18, i panicked. Apparently the last four were realeased in the last three years, and three of them were official live albums.
Does Trent Reznor know how to sell or what? Having been a fan for a long time, I have a bunch of friends that are collectors too, and we all bought it, hook line and sinker. Next time you want to sell the crap out of something, jsut give it a name and a moniker."