I tend to have a lot of people talk to me about their life. I suppose they find me easy going or a good listener, the point being that these things don't really matter. What matters is that they are expressing what they feel without feeling that they have to hide their true feelings because what they have to say will lead to retribution. Personally, I don't mind. I would rather that people talk about it then bottle it all up then kill every Wal-Mart clerk at their local superstore.
Yesterday, I chatted with a really good friend that is dating one of my roomates. Now, I try not to get too involved in this, because, as the saying goes : " You don't crap where you eat"
She had asked me to be all James Bond about asking my roomate how he feels for her. I asked her why she doesn't, but she declined to comment. I can understand that. No one wants to build something up in their mind to have the opposite bring them back down. So, for personal curiousity, I did it. I didn't tell her the answer, but the whole thing got me thinking.
He said he loved her. So i asked him why. " She is great in bed."
So, that was it?
Pretty much.
I have always wondered what love is, since rational explanation seems to be inaccurate. I myself have probably been never been in love, but how can I be sure, not knowing what it is? People give me answers all the time. " You just know" and " It's like nothing else you ahve ever felt." Those are okay answers, but not good enough. Many hundreds of people I know second guess themselves constantly, including myself. If this is the case, how could you ever be secure that " You know" you are in love? I'm not saying it doesn't exist, etc. I am totally curious about what it really is, or stands for, or how to explain it.
A friend explained it to me like this: " Love is something you say to get into someone elses' pants"
Maybe that was accurate in the high school world, but there has to be more criteria than that.
I have heard the explanations from others as to the answer to this question. Silly enough, from a episode of G.I. Joe: " The answer to the meaning of life is love."
Deep...well, for a cartoon.
So, people discribe love like a drug. Once you have it, you are hooked. The recovery rate from Heroine is higher than recovery from love, because love leaves emotional baggage that is carried on to the next relationship. So many people who have gotten a taste of it continue to chase it like it is going out of stock.
I see couples holding hands, and I wonder what lead them to come to that particular junction. Is she waiting for something better to come along? Is he using her because she makes good money? Or are they in....*gasp* LOVE? Or maybe Luv....the other white meat.
Have I been lucky up to this point of never experiencing that kind of deep connection with another person? Have I saved myself from a bad time ifthere is a loss, or am I missing out on the greatest thing in the world?