Ramblings, just ramblings
Published on August 27, 2004 By Amitty In Current Events
Being a Canadian, I am not so much excited about the election in the states that is coming up. Unfortunately, that has all changed thanks to one of my favorite shows, the Daily Show with John Stewart.

IT appears to me that the election is becoming a fiasco, much like the 2000 one was. Now, I know you have all heard the Micheal Moore versions, and the irrelivent spinning from this administration, but have you ever thought that this whole election year might be decided by fear.

Ahh, fear. The greatest tool that mankind has ever had. For the last four + years, the Bush administration has concentrated on the middle east and the horrors of 9/11. I for one beleive that 9/11 was a huge tradgedy, and that it was a horrible thing to have happened. What I would like to point out was that it was a long time coming.

The USA has had a long history of policing the world, and in the last two decades, that has been on the decline. To listen to the military guys I live with, it has pretty much been on the decline since Vietnam. In every war, or major skirmish, the US has had its had in it. For good or for bad.
This one, this war that started with WoMD, has to be one of the worst. With the basic fear in mind, the Bush Administration has set upon the US, and the world, a mass hysteria that we might never be able to pull out of.

From yellow alert days to possible terrorist activity, the Bush administration keeps us hoping. There are a lot of people out there that are in support of this war, and a lot of people that fear it. Will that fear push the vote to Bush's side, where Kerry has been less than totally committed by it? Never mind that there were no WoMD, or that Sadam was never linked to Osama, or that the USA told the UN to basically get out of their way. Look at it from the veiw of fear.
Fear for their lives, that could end in another terrorist attack.
Fear for their familes and friends.
Fear that the wrong button in China will be pushed after the USA loses, if they do.
There are many reasons why people want the war to continue, and it will under Bush.
How will you vote: Fearful or not fearful?

on Aug 27, 2004
Oh, man. You have no idea what kind of beartrap you just stepped in. Good effing luck with this thread. This should be fun to watch
on Aug 27, 2004
Being an Australian you would think the election in the USA would not affect me but I'm afraid it does as our Primeminister has become a puppet to Bush. Bush says jump and John Howard says how high sir....and wags his little tail...
And when watching speeches given by Bush isn't it a little disturbing when hearing the words he makes up and the important information about current events he has no idea about!
I don't know much about the alternative but isn't anything else better than what is there now?
The prospect of Bush's re election scares the pants off me and I hope that fear does not push the vote through for him.
on Aug 29, 2004
wow, look at all the controversy, anonymous user...geez, it is jsut a opinion...

and I totally agree Crusaders, it scares me too