Ramblings, just ramblings
What the hell?
Published on September 25, 2004 By Amitty In Console Games
Well, it's been awhile, but I am back. Moving is a bitch.

The topic of discussion, which has awaken me at 6:30 in the am is Sony Entertainment's plans to move their gaming console forward. Like the first playstation, the Playstation 2 has moved into a newer design spectrum that is a little disturbing.

Check the link, then come back.

As you can see, the new PSTwo is about 75% the size and weigh of the old PS2. What does this mean? They have moved to a external power supply and added internal ethernet instead of the weird, bulky adapter that you can install with a quarter. Like many people, the first thing I noticed was that there was no room for the HDD expansion, crucial if you play the MMORPG Final Fantasy XI. Sony press insists that the new PSTwo in no way shows a lack of commitment to the HDD or future plans to support it. " The HDD is more for the hardcore players" is the way that Sony feels about the need for the expansion slot and the HDD. Somehow, this seems a little wrong to me.

. Back, it had to be almost a year ago, Sony had planned to release a ultra edition of the PS2 tht included a HDD , like the one that comes standard in the Xbox. Now, all of a sudden, the flow of potential HDD consoles has come to a stop? Sony hadn't commented tht they will also continue to make the old style PS2s, but with nearly 27 million sold and a bunch still on the self, you still ahve time to get them, especially with a price drop coming around Christmas.

What I think is that Sony made a mistake with not including hte HDD in the first place, and by the time it was offered, there was no time to promote and take advantage of it. Hopefully with the PS3, they will rectify such mistakes.

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