Ramblings, just ramblings
Published on November 4, 2004 By Amitty In Console Games
Well, as you gamers know, GTA:SA has hit in a big way.

I had a chance to play that beta for the PC game and was blown away. Blown away at the innovations that this franchise has to offer.

Videogame sequeals are almost as bad as most movie license games, where the concept that made a movie good fails to translate into a good videogame. Total Recall was a great movie, not a good game. Hook was a great, but not a good game. One would assume that GTA would eventually fall into this category.

Not so.
Whoever Rockstar games sold their collective souls to go the better deal. Rockstar games has created a violent, stunningly huge game and made it continue to work. Vice City was a vast improvement over GTA III, and now GTA:SA is a better one ofver that.

I haven't played it at all on the console, but all my friends are raving about it, especially the co-operative mode. The story is amazingly inventive so far from what I have read, and the icing is Axel Rose voicing a DJ for the game. While payday is a week away, this is for sure hitting my must have list.

on Nov 05, 2004
the game is amazing. i'm neglecting homework until i beat it.
on Nov 05, 2004
I'm glad to hear that it's good . . . I just bought it and mailed it to my husband. Hopefully it will be some fun stress relief for him.
on Nov 05, 2004
Doesn't get here till Dec 5th. I'll be looking into it for sure.