Ramblings, just ramblings
Published on January 13, 2005 By Amitty In Just Hanging Out
I was working quietly when one of the girls came around ot talk to our line group. My line group at work is one of the loudest, funniest in the universe. We were in the middle of discussing the subject that I brought to JU earlier, the I hate George Lucus thing. She sat in her chair patiently, listening to us talk, and then got up and left. Her parting shot was " You guys are such geeks."

Well, actually, we are.
But why is that a bad thing?

There were times when being who you were was replaced by who you wanted to be. To get by in school you had to be popular or out of radar range of those that were. D&D was for losers and dorks. Computers were not the hip communication devices they are now. Console gaming was something you never did, sicne video games aren't cool.
And then it all changed.

I personally am proud to bear the geek title. I've never been on to really be anyone except who I really am, and it struck me as funny that now that is not only acceptable, but people have gravitated towards somethings that I've done all my life. Now it is cool ot sit around a coffee shop and play Magic, or go into huge debates on the latest in console games. When did it become okay to be a geek?

Anyway, that girl came back later and I asked her why she meant geek in a bad way, and she explained that, while all that stuff above and more were our interests, it did not interest her. " Did it have to be a negative for you then?" and she kind of looked at me weird. She mumbled that she guessed not and didn't come back to our line group for the rest of the night. It just amazes me that there are still people out there that will judge you totally on silly things that have no real meaning in life.

on Jan 13, 2005
Being a geek isn't anything to be afraid of. Wierdness is in the eye of the naive. I love Magic the Gathering. Love it so much my sign in name is created after a Magic card. I like to spend time talking about the latest anime titles, and discussing Neon Genesis Evangelion and Akira over lunch. I find D&D to be enjoyable.

These things aren't bad. They're just different from what people view as normal.

Geek On!!
