Ramblings, just ramblings
Published on February 4, 2005 By Amitty In Movies & TV & Books
YOu have probably hear, through amazingly great sources and people that can be trusted to give you the low down on the latest entertainment news and they are reliable. Of course they are. I talk to hundreds of people a day that are 'experts' at everything on the geek side. From various opinions on how the next Star Wars movie is goign to be, scene by scene, to people telling me exactly where the flaws in Windows Longhorn will be, I have to sit back and sift through the hundreds of pounds of crap to get to the nugget of what I hope is the truth.

So, when a friend in the industry tried to tell me that the Fantastic Four movie will be the comic book license that will re-define the genre of comic book license movies, I immediately get out the crap detector and watch how it hums to the special setting of "super shit'.
Look, I understand that licencing comic book property has revived the once flagging comic book field, and that the resurgence of that field has prompted Hollywood to churn out mindless drivel as far as movies so that the money can keep being pulled in. I al aware the that universe itself might implode if the geeks can' be fleeced for what money hasn't be spent on CCG, toys, RPG matierial, and gaming of the console and pc variety. That extra few dollars not sucked up to other avenues must be captured at all costs.
I also understand that the Fantastic Four is a old comic that has a fan base. Does that mean a movie has to be made of it? Look, some things are just better left alone. For instance: Ghost Rider.

I'm sure all the fans have already found out that the Ghost Rider script has been approved. Also, that the lead they are looking at is Nicolas Cage. Nick Cage? DANG YO! WTF is that about. If the writers had ever picked up a issue of GR, they would not have picked Nick Cage as GR. Pure and simple.
WHen interviewed, the up and coming director that has been tapped to direct the Doom movies was quoted saying that video game and comic book movies are a waste of time. Well, they wouldn't be if they didn't get jackasses like him to work on it. You know why X-Men and Spidey were so great? The directors were willing to use artistic vision while staying true to the comic. When retarded monkeys are put in charge of directing movies, the same can't happen.

That wasn't a rant I was menaing to go on about .After all, we have seen the kind of mangling of the comics in movies like Batman and Catwoman to know where the line is. Why do they keep putting out shit? I'll tell you why. Hollywood is like a Terrier: The more you try and leave a trend, the harder it keeps trying to hump your leg.

So, in regards to the Fantastic Four movie, stay away. Bad pie. At least, until they make it look better, because at this moment, it looks like that leg humping terrier splattered across the road. "

on Feb 04, 2005
It's a shame they don't make these movies as good as they could. But then again, there are enough people that will go see it just because it's the fantastic four. So why make a great epic that peopoe will look upon for years to come as a true masterpiece, when you can make some junk that will still make a healthy profit? Because it would be a great epic, and that should be enough for you, silly director/producer/hollywood types. Oh well, such is life.
on Feb 04, 2005
Movies from comics rarely come off right. For every "Spiderman" there's a "Hulk", "Punisher" and "Judge Dredd"
(that last one hurt, i was a huge Dredd fan until that godawful movie with Stallone came out.)

Stan Lee once said that the reason he didn't start selling his characters to hollywood back when DC did it in the 80's was because he felt that the CG technology just wasn't there yet to do his characters justice, and when it was he would be more than happy to start selling the rights to hollywood. In actuality, he was smarter than most of us thought by maintaining control via licensing with the major studios. But the vast majority of the Marvel releases have been utter crappola and more geared towards the merch and cross promotion.

Ghost Rider...Nic Cage? Bad choice.

I just hope the Fantastic Four is casted better than that. I loved that comic when i was a lad.
on Feb 04, 2005

You guys forgot to mention Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. starring David Hasselhoff. 


I am actually optimistic about the Fantastic Four, but not about Ghost Rider.  (That was just a vehicle to ride out the "Easy Rider" boom, wasn't it?)

on Feb 04, 2005
somehow I don't think it would be..the hollywood answer to manking movies better is cramming them with stars...Nic Cage has star power, so therefore people will go see it regardless...they haven't figured out that comic and gaming movies don't nessisarily work that way...oh well.
on Feb 04, 2005
David Hasselhoff as Nick Fury? Dang.....can't sleep, movie will eat me.