Ramblings, just ramblings
Well, it seems that someone decided to release a new version of one of my favorite trilogies in five parts.

Yes, last week, nation wide, HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy was released to the masses. I was so excited, I read through all five books like I would before any major movie production that spawned from a book. Just wait for November when I re-read all five Harry Potter books.

To say that I enjoyed the movie would not be a lie. For what it was, another hollywood glossover, it was decent. Mos Def, while funny as hell, was not who I would have picked for Ford Prefect. ANd the thing about Zaphod and the way they di the two heads..I don't know. I suppose it's because I expect certain things. Don't get me wrong, Sam Rockwell did a great George W impression, and the movie was still ok. It jsut wasn't the book.

And I know that people will say "It's never like the book" and I realize that. I jsut wish that for some of the key points, they would have stuck to the book. I was surprised to learn that Douglas Adams himself worked on the script before departing our world, and that took a little bit of the annoyance away. After all, it's not like they Stephen Kinged the book. (Forthose who don't know what that means, it means that almost every movie made from a Stephen King book is trash).

It will be interesting to see if tehy make a Restaurant at the End of th Universe.

on May 06, 2005
Sucked... HARD. I'm writing a review of it myself but I can't find the right words to express my dismay.

Oddly, Mos Def was the one thing I dreaded the most, and his Ford was the one part of the movie that was palatable. I don't think they are going to make enough to warrant sequals.