Ramblings, just ramblings
Published on October 14, 2005 By Amitty In Gaming
Well, I did.

I was shocked that it was out. There was very little fanfare about it, and then the TV spots showed up.

What do I think from that 20 secs on the air?

Thumbs down.
The monster didn't look scary, but a albino pig. And I cna't say that a movie that is supposed to be eerie and scary could be with the Rock in it. 'Nuff said.

on Oct 14, 2005
But there is the Rock. Isn't he worth two hours and $7 of your time?
on Oct 14, 2005
Some smart guy thought to include a chainsaw scene in the movie, perhaps gamers will be lucky enough to see other exclusively-Doom-type content included?

God, I hope it doesn't suck.
on Oct 14, 2005
I saw on some TV show that there is supposed to be a whole extended portion at the end of the movie that is done in First Person point of view. I'm kind of interested in seeing how well that works...