Ramblings, just ramblings
Published on December 8, 2005 By Amitty In Blogging
I just logged into my Livejournal account for the first time since April 27th. I had nothing really new to say but decided to read all the entries for friends to see what I missed.

Wow, I missed a lot.
Too much to make me comfortable. I have noticed that as I spend my time trying to be a better techie and gamer, working multiple jobs which now includes writing game reviews, that somewhere in the middle I sort of gave up on a life I was quite happy with. Slowly, and seriously under my own radar, I started cutting things and people out of my life. I realized that when I read that a great friend's father died a mont hago how deeply socially deprived I've been. To find out something like that made me feel bad that I wasn't there to offer my condolences.
I have stopped playing WoW, which is a surprise to many people, including all the people that emailed me or MSNed me to find out when I was logging back in. I perfer to hang out at home and watch TV, or be at work.

I'm just not sure what exactly is wrong. Maybe I just needed to type this out and it will get my mind back to the solution that will fix it all.

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