So, I just read the incredible article by greywar about the letter the Seattle police received from Jack Thompson, everyone's favorite retarded Lawyer that opposes videogame violence. For sakes, this is getting out of control. I really wonder if Thompson has all his facilities to be continuing on like this. I finally got around to writing him a e-mail on what I had to say, and hope that this man who is famous at firing at his critics might fire at me. I don't hold out much hope of that, b...
So, I bought a album the other day and thought it was great. Now, I don't normally purchase music, but I do when it is a band that I like, and has proven that there will be more than a catchy single on the CD. The one I purchased was the new alubm by a group from texas called Bowling For Soup. I am a big fan of their music and for that, I bought the CD. Now, I don't want cries of unfairness for any of the music I own, legally or not. That is not what this is about, but I will say this: I...
The power that a celebrity has is a strange one. For the most part, we as the consumer let them into our houses and lives for brief times to fill a purpose. Most of that time, it is for entertainment value. Only in America can we take a New Jerseian that tried to have his wife killed by his mistress and give him 15 minutes of fame. A place where a intern in the white house can go on for years making money telling about the cigar and the dress. Only here, in this country, can we take a spo...
Well, I am back from my two week vacation, rested and raring to go. A little while ago, a friend of mine asked me if I ever took a look at a web comic called Boy Meets Boy. Generally, I like the more 'potty' orientated humor, and the idea of sitting around on my computer reading webcomics was akin to reading novels in PDF format: wasn't going to happen. But, I was bored at work one day and took a look. For those of you that aren't aware of the webcomic world, it has apparently existed f...