Ramblings, just ramblings
Amitty's Articles In Console Games » Page 2
October 14, 2005 by Amitty
Once upon a time, there was a company that wanted to revolutionize the gaming industry. Infinium Labs wanted to be asked into your homes and played with. They had a great idea for a system, and that was a broadband gaming system that gave you games from the net. A golden age of gaming was about to begin. This revolutionary system was going to allow you to get games without leaving hte house, plus have a chance for indie developers to get their names out in the world by allowing them to sell t...
October 3, 2005 by Amitty
With the current push by Microsoft to put out the Xbox 360 before it's two main conpetitors have a console out of the box, the question is will Sony lose out in the next gen console war? Sony had a sweet grace period last time new consoles were announced. Microsoft was new to the whole idea of a gaming console and took a little more time in developing it's system, which eventually took second place in the war that is coming to a end. The original developers of the Xbox had wanted something...
September 6, 2005 by Amitty
I was browsing the usual places that gamers gather on the net to find out the newest pieces of info about their favortie gaming topics when I came across the SKUs for the new Xbox 360. It was interesting to see how Microsoft was approaching the next generation of gaming. Instead of having one set system, it appears that they will have two. For those of you who don't know, this is how it works. There is a 'core' system and it is pretty much a stripped down system. It comes with a controller...
July 3, 2005 by Amitty
It has been a long time since I wrote a article, and I thought what better to write on then the impending next generation console war. When the original next generation consoles were released back about five years ago, things were in a interesting place. Nintendo, the king of the consoles had been defeated by the up and coming starter Playstation and people were holding their breaths when Microsoft, the computer giant, decided to put it's hat into the ring. With the release of the Pla...
January 12, 2005 by Amitty
My roomate did a great thing yesterday. Maybe it wasn't cure cancer or bring world peace, but it was something of a gamer's delight... He bought Resident Evil 4. Now, I wanted to stay as far away from the hype as possible. When they make a controller specifically for a game, and it looks like a chainsaw, you know it might be a good idea to walk away and lower your eyes muttering " no, no,no, baaaddddd." Unfortunately, I can't report that. For 2.2 hours I watched as the game unfolded ...
January 8, 2005 by Amitty
There, once upon a time, was a little RPG for the N 64 called Paper Mario. You might not have remembered it, since it came out about the end of the short, sad life of the N 64, but it, nothertheless, is there. It is a rare find now adays, up there with Suikoden I and II and OrgeBattle 64. This last little while, the brilliant minds at the big N decided to revive this game in a new form. Hence, Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door was born. The premise of the game is simple, like all mari...
December 13, 2004 by Amitty
Well, again, I find my self wit ha lack of time ot write my articles, but Nintendo fans will be pleased with me this time. Instead of picking on the system for a myrid of reasons, I am going to praise it. Metroid Prime II is everything that the original was, and more. The concept of shifting between two universes is nothing new, butr Metroid does it with flair. While playing it, I couldn't help think about the Zelda formula being applied to the Metroid series. Unlike Prime one, the puzz...
December 13, 2004 by Amitty
By now, many people have purchased the DS, through pre-order or allow themselves to be tempted in the store by the look and feel of this interesting little device. THe concept for the DS is sound, of course, given Nintendo's obsession with connectivity. That is right, I threw the gauntlet down and said obsession. There is no other way to really understand the big N's decision to do the things that it does with it's handhelds. Back in the year, there was a rumor in the industry that Nintend...
November 4, 2004 by Amitty
Well, as you gamers know, GTA:SA has hit in a big way. I had a chance to play that beta for the PC game and was blown away. Blown away at the innovations that this franchise has to offer. Videogame sequeals are almost as bad as most movie license games, where the concept that made a movie good fails to translate into a good videogame. Total Recall was a great movie, not a good game. Hook was a great, but not a good game. One would assume that GTA would eventually fall into this categ...
October 23, 2004 by Amitty
When I saw the first trailer for Resident Evil 4 (exclusiveon the GameCube), I wasn't too impressed. The footage was grainy, yes, but they took a well-established game, and plopped it into the middle of no where. But that I mean that they left Umbrella behind. The ultimate in evil companies (take that, Microsoft!), seems to have disappeared from its place in the game franchise. Here, in the next installment of the game, we find a old friend in a new place. This new place is trapsing arou...
October 13, 2004 by Amitty
" The release target date for the next generation console is 2005, early 2006," said a Nintendo sourse. Not so, said Nintendo to reporters. Their system will be delivered when the other systems are. This is the problem with Nintendo. Back in the pre-dawn of the videogame system, they were the leader. Regardless of any other system out there that was brought into the console arena, the people at Nintendo kept winning and reaping the rewards. Along with the accolades that come from being the...
October 13, 2004 by Amitty
Sony beat Microsoft to the console punch last time. Will they make the same mistake this time? With a third generation system on the way, it will be interesting to see where Microsoft, the junior of the three main systems war, will take their system. Rumors flying left and right, with Microsoft hoping to take a lead this time. " I don't care if this system see black the first time around, we just need to get our name out there," was quoted Bill Gates on the release of the system. For a...
October 13, 2004 by Amitty
Tiawan, May, 2003 - the next generation console, the Playstation 3, is expected to hit the store shelves sometime in 2004.The goal of the systme is to make it about 200 times faster utilizing a new grid technology. The use of this tecnology will, in theory, make the PS3 1000 times faster than the PS 2. What will that achieve? We'll have to wait until next year to find out. The joint effort of Sony, IBM, and Toshiba is behind the new chipset for the console. The new supercomputer chip, whi...
September 27, 2004 by Amitty
A couple of weeks ago, there was a intense rush going through all the gamers I knew in my old town. With the death of True Fantasy Live Online, the future of the Xbox relied on one other game coming out. That game, ladies and gentlemen, is Fable. THe epic RPG that judges you on every little dicision you make affects you in some way down the road. Sound familiar? There was a Ultima game that followed the same sort of thing. Ultima: Quest of the Avatar was the one, and since I only played it on...
September 25, 2004 by Amitty
Well, it's been awhile, but I am back. Moving is a bitch. The topic of discussion, which has awaken me at 6:30 in the am is Sony Entertainment's plans to move their gaming console forward. Like the first playstation, the Playstation 2 has moved into a newer design spectrum that is a little disturbing. http://news.gaminghorizon.com/media/1095733748.html Check the link, then come back. As you can see, the new PSTwo is about 75% the size and weigh of the old PS2. What does this mean? ...