Ramblings, just ramblings
Amitty's Articles » Page 10
July 30, 2004 by Amitty
BBC News released a article on the 28th stating the long-running cartoon series is going to ahve a character come out next season. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/tv_and_radio/3932369.stm The Simpsons has lagged a little lately, and this could be a jump to boost ratings. The last big thing they had, really, was " Who Shot Mister Burns." The usual suspects have all been rounded up. So, the question remains: Who will it be? Many people I know bet Smithers. The thing is that...
July 30, 2004 by Amitty
I have been posting to Joeuser for only just over a week. I read a lot of the articles, and liked what I read. It also seems like a lot of the posters here have been here for awhile and knew each other. I liked the fact that it seemed like a cool little community. Also, the point system for articles is cool, refreshing idea. There is also the fact that I can post things that I am interested about and get feedback. I am trying to get a novel published, and this also gives me a good chance to w...
July 30, 2004 by Amitty
Surely there is not one person that is out there that hasn't been in the know about the Piracy issue with Music. It was brought to the forefront when a little college grad created a Unix-based file transfer program called Napster. Fanning, then 22, started sahring his music with his friends over the internet, and a revolution was born. Before the introduction of MP3 (M-PEG Audio, Layer 3), music was pretty safe. You could get it onto the computer, but .WAV files are big. After the introdu...
July 30, 2004 by Amitty
There are many, many games that I could yammer on about in the old school category. Those of you who actually read my gaming articles, which I don't think is many, might see that. One of my all-time favorite videogames from the past is the original Mega Man for the NES. It was the first platform game I had a real problem with. Well, only in one area. But, I digress. I don't have tons of room to set up all my systems, and therefore some are deligated to the closet until the supreme urge t...
July 30, 2004 by Amitty
I have had a lot of people contact me lately about a interesting flaw in Windows XP. It seams that if you try to view large video files in Explorer, or click to get file information, the CPU spikes to 100% for....hours. It seems that just another fatle flaw has appeared in the OS that just can't seem to get fixed. In the past, Microsoft has done what every other software company seems to do...drop crap on the market. Maybe crap is harsh, as the article I first read on this site ( and made ...
July 29, 2004 by Amitty
Back in the day, there was a PC game called Magic: The Gathering, based on the CCG. It was released by Microprose that was eventually bought out by Infrograms, and then Infrograms was bought out by Atari games. The game was released in 1997. It is a little piece of PC arcana that was popular, then fizzled out. I used to own this game, and since I have a love of old school Magic cards, I loved it. Especially when I was extremely crazed with Magic and no one would play me anymore or try to ...
July 27, 2004 by Amitty
I work in a mall, and across from my shop is a food counter, where this girl named _______ works. She is a spunky, happy-go-lucky girl. Hell, everyone at 22 should be. She balances out my pessimism for the most part, bringing me little treats and yapping on about every little thing. It's a good break from the rest of the world, and i enjoy this time. Recently, a very good male friend of mine came by to keep me company and play me some chess. Not my perfered choice of entertainment, but you...
July 27, 2004 by Amitty
If there is anything that sparks my imagination it is Star Wars. I have owned all the movie trilogy many times over, and in September I will fork over the $100 to pick up the first collection of Star Wars in DVD. It is one of the most requested DVD series that has never made. While George Lucus had decided in the dark years of the late 90s to hold off putting out the series on DVD until AFTER the current trilogy was completed and out of theaters, something changed and they are being released ...
July 26, 2004 by Amitty
You might notice that I write a lot of reviews and opinions on gaming. Hell, gaming is my life. If I could make a living at it, you damn well know that I would. Which, brings me to this days last article. I was surfing the web yesterday and went to Ebay, where I looked up Magic: the Gathering and related auctions. Wow, there are a lot of them. I was blessed to have attended the comic convention in Seattle where this game was released. Most people didn't seem too interested, so me and m...
July 26, 2004 by Amitty
Back around Jan of this year, I read a interesting article in a E-Weekly mag. It claimed that WalMart was getting into the Computer Desktop business. They had apparently inked a deal with Sun Mircosystems to put a Java OS onto their computers. The cost for them: 460 Million. This would put the largest Big Box store in the world into a field where they have only dabbled in, and give a big boost to the Sun Microsystems attempt to topple software giant Microsoft. Here is the link to the prod...
July 26, 2004 by Amitty
I will be out of the office all week next week because I am attending a wedding for some dear friends. Because of this, I will be away from the gaming entertainment that I so love. My laptop is good for work processing, but not much else. So, I leave the GC, PS2, and of course, my life line to the world, my computer, at home. Which sucks, because I am trying to beat a bunch of games. A friend dropped by and handed my a couple of GBA games. " Take your SP with you." Now, most of you have p...
July 26, 2004 by Amitty
In the early days, director Tim Burton brought one of the most famous comic book heros from the depths the comic book world and presented him to us in a dark, interesting manner. Batman, the blockbuster of 89, revitalized the aging franchise and brought it to millions of people around the globe. The Batman movie grossed 251 Million since that summer of madness. And why not? Not only was the movie well done, but you could hardly go wrong with Jack Nicholson as the Joker. In my own opinion, he...
July 26, 2004 by Amitty
I have seen that the piracy controversy goes through it's ups and downs. We are coming out of the P2P issues and moving back to warez. Microsoft has sent out a internal memo that got sent to all it's past and present contract members and employees. I am assuming there is one somewhere deep in my own inbox, but a friend called me up with it. The jist of it is this: " If there is any indication that a employee of Microsoft, or any of it's defined Workgroups, are using pirated software, or downl...
July 24, 2004 by Amitty
I was trolling my videogame boards when I came up on the Silent Hill 4 demo, which I immediately downloaded the demo. Now, I have never really sat down and played a Silent Hill game, but it is now on my list of must plays. Every person that I know that owns a PS2 recommends it. If you don't know, Silent Hill is a lot like Resident Evil. There is a town that is covered in fog, and there are monsters everywhere. EVERYWHERE. So, okay, there are no zombies, but damn..the movie trailer that th...
July 24, 2004 by Amitty
I found a little rumor on the internet that claims that X-3 will be the finale of the series. Why was I so gullible? First, rumors that Bryan Singer will NOT be returning to X-3: *taken from interview with James Marsden from Killermovies.com : Regarding Bryan Singers ambitions to return to the directors chair, he said, "Yes, I know he really wants to. I think he’s also trying to figure out scheduling the shoot against he’s doing Logan’s Run. So he’s trying to figure that out, so ther...